Friday, June 17, 2011

The MySQL Librarian

The MySQL community team wants to ensure that our community engagement tools remain relevant, popular and above all gives you, the user, a clear strong voice. We are always here for your opinions, comments and feedback. We have started the process of examining what is useful, what could be enhanced and even what could be deprecated. 
We are currently reviewing your feedback as we strive to enhance and grow our MySQL community. For example, if you have not yet taken the poll on “What content do you value most on” please do. Keep a lookout for exciting news and changes as we move forward with improvements as well as enhancements with news and events for our community. 
In the meantime, it would appear that one of our features has become redundant. The MySQL Librarian was originally created as a collection of the best links found on the web when it comes to MySQL. However, the same content is usually found easily, first and better presented on the community sites and . Traffic to the librarian has been on the steady decline as the community also uses the power of search engines to find the same information as well. 
Since the MySQL Librarian is only a collection of links, the code and other artifacts will all still be available for our community in their respected locations. However, the function of we only be available until the end of the month. 

As always, many thanks to the great MySQL community members.